Sustainable Communities

Sustainable Communities begins with the basic offering of an internal [corner of] a social
network isolated from the big ones, for use internally and to contact other members in pursuit of
approprate goals.

  • – Sustainable Physical Hosting is an extremely exclusive and private [only avail to clients] air-b&b
    type platform, populated only by known people and vetted clients, who are willing to waive their
    rights to refunds, etc, for small-time complaints. Prices vs. Feature & Terms can vary wildly.
    Review-powered and available anywhere we have participating Family members. Can be reduced to
    the form of a client-only message discussion forum. Simple enough that we do not have to get paid
    a slice of whatever money is exchanged.
    (I got this idea hosting an American friend here in Belgium
    with his new girlfriend who he wanted to impress! So they followed my advice “use this location,
    central to western Europe, as a base; take 2-3 weeks, stay here 2-3 days, go somewhere with asubset of luggage 1-3 days, return and stay here 1-3 days, repeat. Wowed them with our super
    yummy local smoked bacon with eggs every morning, and was paid in odd jobs.)
  • – Sustainable Social is our name for a private social network we can set up for you and those you choose, as well as the invite-only social network we will manage for the larger family group! With this offering, we free ourselves from the Zuck and Musk controlled social sphere to actually realize the possibilties these technologies offer us.

Be sure to contact us if any of this sounds interesting!