-Since 2006-
websites, design, protection from crime…serving the planet, one site at a time.
Sustainable Hosting is the oldest green hosting company in the world!
Need a New Name for a New Idea? Find your domain name! Start here…
Thank you for visiting us. we hope you will stay for awhile! We are a team of expert Internet adepts, many of us around before the advent of the World Wide Web.
Passionate about leveraging our decades of experience and innate integrity to bring the best and most appropriate services to those deserving of it, we offer diverse services at sliding-scale prices.
This way, we can guarantee everyone enterprise-quality services, delivered with a high level of direct, personal human contact.
So, we may not end up with the most clients… And so what? We prefer to have the most content clients possible! Plans starting at just 59/year!
…Your message matters more than your money. If you are in a payment agreement and miss a payment, your site stays up while we determine a solution together.
…Your privacy matters more than our marketing. We don’t mine your data for our own use, any more than in 2006!
…Our common goals matter more than posturing. No vague promises of planting unattended trees.. we already walk our talk enough to be carbon negative since 2021.
…Our values matter more than our bottom line. Beyond our donated hosting for underfunded good causes & clever ideas, we believe commerce must feed our commitments to be relevant.
Modern and Secure, Each Hosting Plan Includes:
100% Linux Servers, Updated Weekly
99.9%+ Uptime, Redundant Storage with Daily Backups
24/7 Phone Support*
Free Secured (https) Connections with Free Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates
Modern PHP Versions (7.4, 8, 8.1, 8.2)
Accumulating “Admin Time” to Use for Assistance However You Please**
A Fresh, New Model for a New Age:
99.9% Remote Office Work from Green-Powered Homes (commute-free)!
95%+ Open Source Software, Passing On the Price Stability to you!
Free Static Website Builder (coming soon!)
Countless Free & Managed Extra Software Packages Provided for Your Use (more weekly!)
Free Migration Assistance To (AND From!) our Infrastructure
* – Phone support after textual ticket submission only. May terminate in voicemail, depending on our availability, to be answered ASAP.
* * – Admin time accumulation rules dependent on chosen plan.
This site is a living document with new content, updated weekly throughout 2025. Please excuse the mess.